Jag tänkte gå på en konsert med Indisk musik. Den är gratis men man kan ge bidrag för att täcka musikernas omkostnader.​
Den som spelar är Sugato Bhaduriv en mycket framstående Gandharva Veda musiker,, som framför en konsert med “Indian Classical Music MANDOLIN & VOCAL RECITAL”.​
Lokal: Malmö Högskola, sal C231
Tid: kl 18.​15
Vi träffas utan för sal C231 kl 17.​55. Jag bär en vit keps.​
Arrangör är Transcendental Meditation i Malmö
Sålänge lite om musikerna ( på engelska):
Sugato Bhaduri -- Mandolin
Sugato is one of the most sought after Mandolin players in India today. The deep resonant tone of his instrument, evoking shades of Veena, Rabab, Sarod, and Sitar, has helped his music to tap the earliest sources of Indian Classical Music and bring it forth with a new sound. Since 2005 he has toured extensively in Europe.​
Sandip Bhattacharya -- Tabla
Sandip is a prominent name among Indian music lovers.​
From early childhood, Sandip enjoyed close contact with several of the most celebrated performers of Indian classical music. These masters shaped his musical talent and taught him the essence and details of the Indian classical tradition.​